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I am a painter, photographer and a sculptor. I do not limit myself to a single medium. I find my work to be deeply connected to myself, my very soul. My emotion transcends in all the work I produce, no matter the medium. I often work in mixed media combining different textures and mediums to create the emotional, and physical beauty within.


“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

- Pablo Picasso  

I explore the idea of the self. The self is the sum of everything we have encountered and been through. This involves influences, choices, and experiences we have endured. I express the self through a series of thematic works, which typically expose the self and forces the viewer to reflect on themselves.


I have been influenced by the processes in the game of Chess. In the game of chess you have the ability to control the outcome of the game but you need to reflect on what you have done, and make moves that will improve the results of the game. Therefore by association, the only way to better your future is to reflect on all of your past, plan ahead and then move forward.


My work usually causes the viewer to feel uncomfortable. One is not comfortable being exposed to oneself, therefore should not be comfortable experiencing my work. Using photo collage I represent specific paths and experiences that influence and lead us to who we are. I incorporate mirrors allowing viewers to reflect upon themselves. My work forces the viewer to get up close and personal.


I usually have a  final reflection is where the viewer could be in a tight and uncomfortable space with a mirror in front of them or where the viewer is forced to get involved with the work. This allows the viewer to reflect on everything they have been exposed to and on themselves. I mean to provoke something inside of the viewer and force them to deal with it. After experiencing my work the viewer should either feel relief and calm as if they reached something “beyond”, or more uncomfortable with themselves, that could need further reflection.


The self is made up by everything we have encountered and been through, this involves all of the comfortable and uncomfortable situations. I believe it is important for everyone to reflect on who they are and why they are. It is necessary to accept this and move forward from there.

Kim Horton

Artist Statement

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