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Electronic Door

Electronic Door

Electronic Slave 1

Electronic Slave 1

Electronic Slave 2

Electronic Slave 2

Electronic Slave 3

Electronic Slave 3

Electronic Slave 4

Electronic Slave 4

Sexuality Door

Sexuality Door

Sexuality 1

Sexuality 1

Sexuality 2

Sexuality 2

Sexuality 3

Sexuality 3

Sexuality 4

Sexuality 4

Sexuality 5

Sexuality 5

Religion Door

Religion Door

Religion 1

Religion 1

Religion 2

Religion 2

Religion 3

Religion 3

Addiction Door

Addiction Door

Addiction 1

Addiction 1

Addiction 2

Addiction 2

Addiction 3

Addiction 3

Addiction 4

Addiction 4

Addiction 5

Addiction 5

Addiction 6

Addiction 6

Planetarium Tunnel

Planetarium Tunnel

Planetarium Floor

Planetarium Floor

Planetarium Stars

Planetarium Stars

Experiencing Planetarium 1

Experiencing Planetarium 1

Experiencing Planetarium 2

Experiencing Planetarium 2



Self - Progression




I use doors to represent paths, or the way of life we take that leads us to who we are today. The viewer is then forced to expose themselves to each “experience” placed behind each door.

One closet is dedicated to beliefs and religious views. The sculpture for this is of multiple signs attached to one pole. Each sign with a painted belief on it. These signs are of the top 20 most populated, arranged from the top with the most populated. I have the signs staggered and pointing in different directions this is to imply that each of our beliefs takes us in a different direction or down a different path.


Another closet is dedicated to our need and obsession with electronics. For this sculpture I chose a woman because research has shown that women are more involved with electronics and technology. I chose to use a television for the head because research has shown that television is still the most used electronic. The cords begin to resemble roots towards the bottom this is to show how we are so rooted into technology. For the inside of the closet I spray-painted a galaxy. Due to us being rooted into technology we are isolating ourselves, and being taken out of our worldly lives. 


There is also a closet dedicated to sexual orientations. The sculpture being of a lesbian and transgender couple with no heads. This is to show that most people that are not heterosexual have a conflict with identity or live a secret life. With this sculpture I am making it known that there are different sexual orientations. For the background of this sculpture I have melted down crayons against the back wall. The crayons making the LGBTQ colors.


The last closet is dedicated to drugs, peer pressure and addiction. The sculpture for this is of a pill bottle pouring out pills. I choose to show prescription abuse because research has shown this as the most abused drug. There are some pills in the bottle, some in mid fall, as well as some smashed on the ground. The pills contain faces this shows the relationship of the pills and the users. The bottom is meant to resemble how lives are often destroyed by this habit. The inside of this closet is a smoky scene. I choose smoke because smoke is a big part of drug abuse as well.


The final component of the installation will be inside an elevator. The viewer is in a tight and uncomfortable space with a mirror in front of them. The viewer will reflect on everything they have been exposed to and on themselves. When the viewer has finished their moment of reflection they will open the door and walk into a tunnel. The tunnel leads inside of a small planetarium. In this moment the viewer should feel relief after their reflection. I chose the planetarium because I want the viewer to feel like they have reached something “beyond“, like outer space.


The self is made up by everything we have encountered and been through, this involves all of the uncomfortable and comfortable situations. I believe it is important for everyone to reflect on who they are and why they are. We need to accept who we are and move forward from there.

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