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Ipseity 1
Ipseity 2
Ipseity 3
Ipseity 4
Ipseity 5



In the eyes of many, being with the same sex partner is not normal; to some it is morally wrong. Being out in public can be very difficult for many homosexuals, as society has created this idea of “norm”. But what is normal?


Being gay you receive many looks and whispers. I have personally been victimized by many. It feels like you are standing naked in a room filled with people with everyone pointing, whispering, and giving you looks. Even more impacting are the looks I have received from my own family which will never leave me. They try to make you feel ashamed to be who you are, and for a while I was ashamed. You can really lose yourself when you have to pretend to be someone you are not.


The photograph its self is unidentifiable at first glance. Within the reflection you can find so much raw emotion; this is where you see the true vulnerability of someone. It shows the toll it has taken on mine and many others lives. The sculpture in front is of a bath tub melting down; when something melts you no longer can identify what it was. This is to show the loss of identity one faces when dealing with themselves and society.


Being gay is seen as morally wrong by many, but who are they to judge me.



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