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Being the Molded


Everything we are and ever will be is because of the influences and experiences we have had in our lives. Starting from day one our parents are molding us with everything they do or do not do. For example certain beliefs or religions that are pushed on to us. Also how society plays a huge role in what we become as adults. I want to express how powerful of an affect our past has on our future.


This idea has been rolling inside my head for a while. The reason I stress this idea is because I have seen some really great people go down a bad path for so many different reasons. This work shows how powerful of an affect the decisions made for us as well as the ones we make for ourselves, have on our lives.


All of my photographs were made by using three to four photographs over laid in Photoshop. I also used Photoshop to layer them, color them, and lower and raise the opacity of each. All containing a portrait with at least one major influence or experience. I raised the opacity of photos that were more significant and influential in their lives and lowering it with photos of the influences that played less of a role. I have a series of six photographs all containing black and white, color and filtered colored photographs. I want all the photographs to be able to tell a story, and seem dramatic.

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