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Luhyakʌˀt Park


Luhyakʌˀt Park


This piece is like an amusement park; it’s very energetic and fun I wanted this to show how having to work has taken away from things I love to do. This is why I named it Luhyakʌˀt Park; Luhyakʌˀt means to work one hard in Oneida Indian Nation’s language. I choose to use the word from the Oneida Indian Nation because I have work for them for years; I feel like a lot of my life has been spent there. I used some of my broken skateboard decks and wood as the frame, I covered the frame with casino cards from where I work. I used an old bike wheel as a Ferris wheel, and skateboard wheels as the chairs on the Ferris wheel. For the swing ride I used an old umbrella, for the swings I used barrens from my wheels. On that same side I screwed cork screws to my skateboard deck the corks are from where I work as a server. I made a bouncy house out of an old cage for rabbits, I also used the tire from the bike wheel for the bouncy part, in the bouncy house I included things that I loved. The cage is supposed to represent the things I love being caged up or left behind because I can’t do it as often because of work. To show that I put cards from the casino I work at around the bottom of the bouncy house. I also incorporated a golf ball from the country club I work at as sort of a spinning ride on another broken skateboard deck. On this ride I also have a picture of me wired into the board as a sort of safety belt. On that same side I have a paintbrush hanging from the skateboard truck showing how I am unable to paint as often. All of the things I have incorporated are apart me, in a way this project is me in a different form. If anybody ever asked what defines me I would have to say worker, skateboarder, and artist. I truly try to have as much fun as possible but of course work takes up a lot of that time. There comes a point when we all have to give up fun things in order to work so we have the money to do fun things; as well as survive.

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