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Quiet 2
Tomorrow 2
Escape 2
Love 2
Eye 2
Victim 2
Mind 2
Imagination 2

Webster Means


Webster Means


In life we often see and hear common things with straight forward meanings. The point I was trying to achieve in the series Webster Means is making a familiar and straight forward quote have a deeper meaning. Force my viewers to look through the lines; I did this by displaying several things with my photographs. My focal point is a series of black and white photographs that contain hidden messages. There is one painted word, on each photograph that will help you locate the hidden messages. The purpose of this is that when you first see these photographs the one word will give you a certain meaning, however when you look closer you will notice the hidden text; which brings you to a different conclusion of the photos. Along with each photograph there is a definition from a 1957 Webster dictionary; also from a 2013 Webster dictionary, and the theory of color of certain colors. The definitions are of the words that is painted on each photograph; the purpose of this is to give a deeper message of each of my photographs. The reason I have a definition from a 1957 dictionary as well as a 2013 dictionary is that I find a big difference between the two. The 1957 definitions tend to be definitions that we do not really think of when we think of each word. The color theory is of the color I choose to paint each word, this shows that the color is also an important part in my photographs.

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